Why BSL doesn't work

Just a few thoughts on why breed specific legislation (BSL) is a bad idea

7/20/20211 min read

RottRescue Animal Lovers
RottRescue Animal Lovers

An argument against breed-specific legislation is that it is not an effective way to prevent dog bites or increase public safety. Banning certain breeds based on their appearance or breed label does not address the root causes of dog aggression, which can stem from a variety of factors such as irresponsible ownership, lack of socialization, and inadequate training. By targeting specific breeds, such legislation overlooks the fact that any dog, regardless of breed, has the potential to exhibit aggressive behavior. In addition, breed-specific legislation can have unintended consequences such as promoting discrimination against responsible owners of targeted breeds, leading to an increase in abandonment and euthanasia rates, and wasting limited animal control resources on enforcement of breed-specific laws instead of education and proactive measures. A more effective approach to increase public safety would be to focus on responsible ownership, proper socialization and training, and enforcement of existing laws that hold owners accountable for their dogs' behavior.